Tension Stress & Trauma Release Exercises (TRE®)


Tension Stress and Trauma Release Exercises (TRE®) is an innovative Mind/Body technique that helps you shed chronic stress, tension, and pain. If you have trouble sleeping, sciatica, back and hip pain, stress overwhelm, anxiety or even suffer from fibromyalgia or PTSD – TRE may be the answer that you’ve been searching for. Many clients report results within 5 sessions. Other benefits people often report are improved energy, mental clarity, getting “unstuck”, more able to manage stress and challenges, reduced overwhelm and anxiety, improved relationships.


Who is TRE® for?


How many of these “ordinary” life events have you experienced?

car accidents ♦ surgeries ♦ falls and injuries ♦ loss of loved ones ♦ divorce and relationship challenges ♦ financial losses and work stress ♦ caring for aging parents ♦ parenting in an ever complicated world

Accumulated life stress impacts us in ways that we don’t always realize.

Our body tells the story in neck and back pain, chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, hormonal imbalances, digestion problems, “feeling stuck in life”, lack of joy and enthusiasm.

Kristi offers a variety of Mind/Body methods that will help you have more energy for life, more ease in relationships and a greater sense of well-being. Tension Stress and Trauma Release Exercises are one of several methods Kristi teaches that you can learn and use on your own.<

What is possible with Tension Stress and Trauma Release Exercises?

Tension Stress and Trauma Releases Exercises will help free you of chronic tension and stress. Many clients report immediate shifts as they practice TRE:

> Relief from stress, anxiety and overwhelm.
> Renewed optimism and ability to take action
> Pain relief and improved mobility.
> Improved energy and deeper sleep.
> Healing and recovery from accidents and trauma
> Letting go of the past in an easy, gentle way.
> Feeling relaxed and more like yourself again.

Once you learn TRE, you have a tool for life – meaning you will be able to continue using this at home to release stress and overwhelm, sleep better, be more resilient and productive, feel more like yourself and enjoy life more fully.


How does TRE® work?


TRE® Testimonials

Find Relief with Tension Stress Releasing Exercises– Many clients report relief from a variety of conditions including back pain, sciatica, stress and overwhelm, problems sleeping, fatigue, trauma and more.


TRE® Testimonials

Book a TRE session with Kristi


If you’re ready to release the pain, trauma and anxiety you’ve been carrying for too long, let’s work together to get you feeling better faster with TRE! My office is located at WELL Sonoma, a collective for wellbeing and yoga. However, until the current Shelter in Place Order is lifted, I am connecting with clients via Zoom. Please Call or text me at 707-888-9578 directly and we can talk about how to best support you now.